Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Israel

Our Israel
Romans 10:1-4
In this chapter Paul explains the Stubbornness of Israel in maintaining ignorance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He declares that they have a zeal for God.  The problem is that their zeal is misplaced, trusting only in their works and not the grace of God found in Jesus. The righteousness that they boast of is derived only from their works and not the righteousness found in the work of Christ on the cross.
 Today in “Our Israel” we face a similar problem but with a new dynamic. People have lost their zeal for God and replaced it with a zeal for self.  People have maintained self-righteousness rejecting the need of a savior and the need of the righteousness of God. 
 We live in a similar day as Paul, in regards to the need to preach the Gospel of Jesus to our own people. For the most part, many have been exposed to a Gospel that is not a Gospel in most churches. The gospel that is popular today resembles the works based self-centered Jewish gospel that Paul faced. There is one difference, God has been replaced with self or a God that only satisfies self. The life of sacrifice that Christ demands has been replaced with “it’s better to receive than to give” mindset.
 Until Pastors stop building earthly empires and focus on the kingdom building principles of Christ, Christians will remain only a shell of their full potential as world changers in Christ. This is the ministry we have, as Paul , to reach Our Israel.